vrijdag 29 juli 2011


The sun (yes...believe it or not, it really there though we are having not much of a summer at the moment) is very active again. Big sunspots crackeling with activity. The past days we have been experiencing the coronal mass ejections, not directed at earth but they are interfering with our magnetic field anyway.
And, more important, there is a sunspot (number 1260 to be precise) that harbours x-class flares and these will be directed at earth, so they will hit the magnetospere with all their power.
These are no secrets, you can read it all on www.spaceweather.com.

What it doesn't say, is how this effects us.
And thats understandable because nobody is really sure of the effect of the magnetospere on us. The solar activity, the flares, the magnetics...its all a bit of a mystery.

Simply put, the ejections seem kinda like a direct download of 'knowledge' but not knowledge for the leftbrain like we are used to. Its more like a 'knowing' for the leftbrain. A pooring of intuition.

Thats giving a lot of people a headache...it can give pressure on your (left) brain and that will be percieved as a headache.
Some people feel irritable, jittery, nervous for (seemingly) no reason.
So...now you know. What to do with this information? Cause the activity will be increasing..

Most important thing is realising that this is all part of the ascensionprocess, and that it speeds things along. So, percieve it as a good thing.
Set your intention to receive what comes from the sun. (not resist)
Be like bamboo....bow and bend with the flow of the flare..

And..if nothing else works, get a bottle of wodka, get completely plastered ..at least you understand why you feel lousy!!


woensdag 27 juli 2011

Nieuwsbrief (only in Dutch, sorry bout that)

Hallo lieve allemaal,

De nieuwe nieuwsbrief, met een geheel nieuwe opzet en natuurlijk informatie over lopende zaken.

Voor wie het nog niet weet, ik ben zwanger...nee, niet schrikken, ik ben niet zwanger van een echt kind, maar ben eindelijk begonnen met het schrijven van een boek over het opvoeden van gevoelige kinderen. In de nieuwsbrief vast een idee waar het boek over zal gaan.
Informatie over de workshop met Krijn Koetsveld, die gaat plaatsvinden op een SUPER-locatie!! In Drenthe, zeer goed bereikbaar, mét jacuzzi!
De werkgroep voor ouders van gevoelige kinderen gaat na de zomer beginnen in Beijum, Groningen , geef het door!
En tot besluit een prachtige afbeelding van de Nederlandse kunstenaar Janosh, die je zal helpen in je proces van zelfreiniging!

http://www.cobos.nl/gfx/foto_krijn.jpg Op 11-11-11 komt Krijn Koetsveld naar Eesergroen om daar weer één van zijn zeer inspirerende workshops te geven. De website van de locatie is : http://www.ruimte-rust.nl/
Een waanzinnig mooie plek, met een jacuzzi op het terras, vrij uitzicht over het land...en een eigen strandje en meertje..
Kijk op mijn website als je wilt weten waar de workshop over gaat - http://kosmosnu.moonfruit.com/ - en mail me of bel me als je meer wilt weten.
Omdat de energie zo veranderlijk en snel is, is de workshop daar natuurlijk aan onderhevig. Wat zeker is, is dat we ons zullen verbinden met alle workshops die tegelijk plaatsvinden over de hele wereld, en zullen we op die manier aansluiten bij het worldwideweb van licht en liefde!
De workshop kost is van vrijdagmiddag tot zaterdagmiddag, kost 211 euro - inclusief biologisch eten drinken en ander lekkers. (Er zijn nog een paar éénpersoonskamers beschikbaar waar je een toeslag van 11 euro voor betaalt)

Na de zomervakantie start in Beijum een werkgroep voor ouders van (jonge) kinderen die meer willen weten over het opvoeden van hun gevoelige kinderen. Lees meer op http://kosmosnu.moonfruit.com/#/cursus-gevoelige-kinderen/4551083343
Ken je mensen in de omgeving van Groningen die hier aan mee willen doen? Geef het vooral door!
We starten met 6 bijeenkomsten voor 55 euro, in Beijum, inclusief koffie en thee.

http://djsandi.tripod.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/children-drawing.jpgHET boek.
Eindelijk ben ik begonnen aan het grote project, het schrijven van een boek over gevoelige kinderen en hun gebruiksaanwijzing.
Er zijn nu zoveel kinderen die gevoelig zijn, kijk maar es naar alle stempeltjes, afkortingen en labeltjes die de maatschappij erop plakt om te proberen er iets van orde in aan te brengen. Helaas geven ze bij die stempels veel te weinig praktische opvoedkundige tips. In het boek zal ik proberen aan de hand van praktijkvoorbeelden te laten zien hoe eenvoudig je vaak situaties kunt veranderen doordat je er als opvoeder anders naar kijkt en er voor kiest er anders mee om te gaan.
Hier een voorbeeld van wat er te lezen zal zijn;

" Mees is 4 en behoorlijk slim voor zijn leeftijd. Hij observeert volwassenen zeer nauwkeurig en met grote ernst. De woorden die hij hoort neemt hij direct over en door ze direct te gebruiken als het ware te proeven; hoe smaakt zo'n woord, kun je er op kauwen, kun je er mee rijmen? En als ik het gebruik, hoe komt het dan terug? Met een lach of een reprimande?
Hij kaatst bijna letterlijk met woorden, en minder opvallend is dat hij dat ook doet met handelingen en ervaringen.
Mees praat tijdens het spelen met autootjes honderduit over tijgers en leeuwen, die zijn geweldig en wonen in een safaripark. Das mooi, das duidelijk en de feiten geven duidelijk grip op de situatie. Een safaripark is namelijk daar en niet hier.
Wat hier wel is zijn vliegen. Als een vlieg in de buurt van Mees komt, reageert hij schichtig. '' Ben je bang voor vliegen? ', vraag ik hem. Mees knikt voorzichtig.
Ik vermoed dat zijn voorzichtigheid zal zijn omdat hem wellicht verteld is, ''joh, die doen niks, doe niet zo gek'' Misschien is er zelfs om gelachen, of in het ergste geval is hem gezegd; ''stel je niet zo aan'' Bovendien heeft hij misschien wel gezien dat mensen vliegen doodslaan, waarom doen ze dat als een vlieg niet eng is?
Maar, aanstellen of niet, hij is bang voor de vlieg en ik vraag; '' Wat dóet een vlieg dan?''. Mees denkt diep na en doet het geluid van de vlieg na en maakt wilde bewegingen met zijn hand. Ik vraag hem, terwijl ik met mijn hand wapper, ver weg en dan weer vlak bij zijn gezicht '' ze vliegen zo raar hè, dan weer hier, dan weer daar'' en Mees lacht breeduit, 'ja, dat is precies wat hij bedoeld! En hij zegt; ''het lijkt wel een raceauto'', waarmee de vlieg zelfs een plek binnen het spel met de autootjes krijgt en de vlieg ineens minder eng is.
Het onberekenbare vliegpatroon van de vlieg is vervelend voor hem, omdat het niet te voorspellen is. Het is onlogisch, kan Mees het geen plaats geven en dat is eng.
Zodra je er woorden aan geeft, en er als het ware mee speelt (zoals Mees van nature al doet met woorden) dan krijgt hij er een beetje grip op.
Je kunt zijn angst nog verder laten afnemen, als je met hem gaat onderzoeken wat een vlieg nou eigenlijk is. Hoe meer Mees weet, hoe zekerder hij zich zal voelen. ''

Mocht het idee van dit boek je aanspreken en heb je vragen, misschien voorbeelden? Mail me dan, hoe meer hoe leuker!
ingeastrid@hotmail.com of inge@kosmos.nu

http://www.veggieartgirl.com/sign_full/one_love.jpg Mijn nieuwe website is in de lucht! Speciaal voor mensen die wel hulp willen, maar daarvoor niet de deur uit willen of kunnen. In het engels, omdat deze hulp tegenwoordig met het internet natuurlijk wereldwijd te geven is!  http://onlinehelp.moonfruit.com/#

Tot slot in deze nieuwsbrief een kadootje van Janosh. Print deze prachtige afbeelding en staar er eindeloos naar als meditatie. Veel plezier!
De tekst is door mijzelf vrij vertaald.
Voor we onsZelf kunnen helen, moeten we onsZelf in de ogen kunnen kijken. De energie van Purificatie (reiniging/zuivering) zal je helpen jeZelf te vergeven voor keuzes die je in het verleden maakte en destijds niet volledig begreep. Als je eenmaal vrij bent van spijt en zelfbeklag, dan kun je jeZelf helen en daarna heel je automatisch iedereen om je heen met de kracht van onvoorwaardelijke liefde. De spanning in de wereld groeit. Lees een krant, kijk naar het journaal, en als je dan goed kijkt zie je een wereld in transitie. De afstand tussen licht en donker is snel aan het groeien. Maar willen we niet allemaal omringd worden met licht en liefde?

Terwijl de aarde zichZelf reinigt met water, wind en regen, moeten we onszelf ook reinigen om onsZelf voor te bereiden op onze transitie. Terwijl de aarde zichzelf pijnigt, moeten we ons realiseren dat ook wij pijn tegenkomen als we dit proces van reiniging aangaan. Zuiver jeZelf van oude gewoonten, scenario's die we keer op keer onbewust intern herhalen.

Een zeer krachtig hulpmiddel daarbij kan heilige geometrie zijn. De wetenschap heeft aangetoond dat onze lichamen geometrisch ontworpen systemen zijn. Ons onderbewustzijn herkent heilige geometrie die sinds mensenheugenis gebruikt wordt. Ons bewustzijn zal het misschien niet begrijpen en het misschien zelfs vreemd vinden, maar heilige geometrie heeft een zeer krachtig effect op onze geest en ook op ons lichaam.
Deze code, genaamd '' Purification'' is gepubliceerd met als enige doel, mensen helpen bij deze reiniging/zuivering.

Er zit geen copyright op, dus kopieer naar hartelust!
Forward het naar zoveel mogelijk mensen (je krijgt er geen extra punten voor, geen extra wensen vervuld) Geen bedrijf of organisatie maakt hier winst op, de winst is voor het individu dat hier naar kijkt heeft baat bij deze heilige geometrie!
(vrij vertaald)

 Purification Mandala by Janosh


Voor alle vragen, opmerkingen of gewoon voor de gezelligheid mail me! Bel me of kom langs voor thee of koffie!
Veel liefs en tot ziens,

Inge van der Vaart Smit

zondag 24 juli 2011


How could i not write a blog about what happened in Norway.
I cried, like so many of us cried, my thoughts imediatly going to the parents that sent their kids to this great camp, with all these great kids..to have fun in the beautifull outdoors of a peacefull little island.
Then, we all know what happened and none of us understand.
Our minds try to make sense of it, but ofcourse there is no sense to be found. Only deep sadness.

My heart, my body aches for the pain that is in the world. For all the people involved..yes, also for the guy who did this...for i cannot imagine how twisted his mind and how black his heart must have become.
Become, for he was also born as a little innocent baby...with only good in him.
Its easy to call him crazy or insane...that puts some comfortable distance between him and us. Thats what we need...distance. He is not like me.

You are me, i am you..we are all interconnected, we are ONE. One mind, one energy and one conciousness...and not only when its convinient or nobel or admireable.
We are all ONE...so lets go within, and clear out the fears. (for hate is nothing but fear)
We are ALL one...so lets raise the frequency of unconditional love.
If i love you and you love me, we all love eachother. Love has no room for fear or darkness.


donderdag 21 juli 2011

Is it love or a lesson?

We all know a woman that is going through it, or went trough it.
Some of us are that woman, most of us were that woman at some point in our lives...

The woman that confuses lessons with love.

We have al met this guy that seemed so right, so rough, so cool, so strong, so sexy, so hot, so handsome, so much fun, so in control, so demanding.....sooooo exciting!
But we have all found out he actually was controling, hot tempered, overpowering, selfrighteous...and often still too damn sexy for comfort!

When it ends, when things turn souer, we are in pain and we cry out; ''Why does he do that, doesn't he know how much i love him?''
But is this love? Or is this life presenting us with a lesson to learn?
And since Oprah told us over and over; ''if it hurts, it aint love'' it must be a lesson!

That makes sense. A lesson is presenting itself to learn something from. So, that makes it a good thing, not someting to blame anyone for, or to beat ourself up about. Hurray!
That means we are not wrong to get involved with this badass hottie! Yay! We are not stupid afterall!!
Stupid is when we do not get the lesson out of it...stupid is when we try to hang on to him..stupid is when we don't move on after the lesson is learned....stupid is taking the hurt over and over again.

So by all means..fall for that guy and get all you can out of it, party, wallow, and learn the lesson.
And free yourself up for the man that will love you..with all of his heart and soul.


ps: Ladies, when a guy tells you he is a badass womaniser (cause most of the time they dó tell), listen to him!

Ease or Complication

There seems to be a fight going on; within and outside, in micro and in macro, in you and in me.
The fight is between ease and complication.

We want ease but we complicate.
We need ease but create complications.
We long for ease, but seem to be at ease with complications.
Complications are what we create with the greatest of ease.

(Ever tried to give a reaction to a blog on blogspot? No ease in that! Halfway through the proces, i'm lost and give it up, complicated!)

Like a lot of people in the world i am also going through the ascension  proces and it is not easy.
Its not complicated in itself, but we make it complicated.
The biggest complication we create is wanting it all NOW!
We don't like the dis-ease of the past visiting... we don't want to be off balance...we dislike pain.
We don't like complication.
We want ease...

May you ease through our complications.


maandag 18 juli 2011

Goodbye Harry, Hermione and Ron...

Today i went to see the very last of the Harry Potter movies. It was a great movie...glued to the seat of my chair (and sort of  jumped up a few times)  because of the magnificent suspence (even if i knew how it was going to end due to the books), every shot was perfect to me, the sound was awesome, and my emotions swept me away...

When my daughter was 4 i started to read the first book to her at bedtime...when we had finished the 5th book, my son said that it was not fair cause i did not read them to him (eventhough they shared a room) so.... i gladly started all over again and read all em em again to the both of them. We finished the read in the beginning of 2008.

The first movie we must have seen when they were like 4 and 6 ears old...now the ar 12 and 14.
The end of the epic Potter saga seems to go hand in hand with the end of their childhood years.

My own marvelous witch and wizzard...starting to grow up..an whole new adventure.

Thank you Harry, Hermione and Ron for making their childhood all about magic.

With deep gratitude, love and sadness

zondag 17 juli 2011

conviction and doubt

If i doubt my own creation, i create doubt.
If i convince mself to not doubt...i also emphasize doubt.
Because if you don't have doubt, there is no need to convince.
So..the only way to create conviction is to be convinced.
But..when i say i am convinced...what do i need to be convinced of? That i don't doubt?
There's the blood doubt again!

Don't give a hoot... just have fun!

Love Inge

donderdag 14 juli 2011

I want my telepathy back!!

Ever since i started down (up?) the path as a lightworker, people want to know how i got into this work.
Sometimes i tell them the number of ears ago when i started doing actual workshops and courses. Sometimes i say i was about 12, when i was looking for the meaning of life and tried to find it in the ''Paranormal and Esoteric'' section of the library. And sometimes i simply say...all my life.
All of those are true.

When i was a young girl, i don't remember how old i was so i was probably very young, i felt this vague sense of 'something' that 'had been taken away' from me. The words failed me, but i clearly remember something was not whole, something was missing.
I found it hard work to understand people and for them to know me. As if i knéw that at one time this had been less difficult.
I knew that this was not to be talked about, it was hard enough to fit in as it was.

But the feeling obviously nagged on, why else would i have wondered of into that section of the library...reading stuff i didnt comprehend, but was fascinated with. Specially E.S.P (Extra-sensory perception) cought my attention.
I knéw that i once owned that...i knew it was obtainable!
Telekinises was another one...ofcourse i knew that..ofcourse i had mastered that! So i put a tiny piece of cottonwool on a coin under a glas..so i could not fool myself, and tried to move the cotton..with my mind.
I was mad and frustrated and dissapointed...couldn't stand not being able.
I didnt understand, why could i remeber, but not regain?

A few years ago i was at a friends house. She had a horse that had injured its leg. I put my hands on the horse and waited for my hands to work.
Ofcourse that was quite an odd thought, for what did i want my hands to do? What 'work' should they do?
So, that started me on a journey to find ways to regain my abilities. Through the wonders of fabulous modules, courses, workshops, meetings, countless miraculous meditations and ofcourse magical people to help me on my path, i now feel that these abilities are alive and obtainable.
I could  move that piece of cottonwool...if i could only stop the thinking about it being impossible. (i'll get there..i'm sure)
I knów for a fact that my hands can now guide healing energies and i am greatfull for that.
But the most magical must be the connection to my I AM presence, because that is the way i can listen to your I AM presence...and that is really close to to my wish...i want my telepathy back!

I am gratefull.

woensdag 13 juli 2011

The power of words

The power of words is really real...its not just an intellectual concept, every word carries its own energy.
So, we should maby choose our words with a little more care then we are used to.

Everybody who has ever been in a relationship knows the power of the words 'i love you' ...how exciting it is to hear from a boyfriend/girlfriend for the very first time...it kinda makes your heart jump and there is this jolt of pure joy in the stomache area, right?
And remember the first time you told someone you love them? How fast did your heart go? How precise did you want to time it, how nervewrecking (in a good way? Is there a good way for nervewrecking?) was it to say? How scared/excited were you?
Ofcourse its not words only, not just syllables, its the energy behind the words that makes you feel emotions.

So, what words do you choose?
Our kids fell into the habit a few years back of describing their dislike with the word 'hate'.
'' I hate him/her, or i hate doing this, i hate school'' , and allthough hating school i did understand, i began a campaign against this word, because it was dragging the (their) energies down.
So, everytime i heard it, i asked them to choose another word. Litteraly i said; '' Please choose another word, we don't hate, its against our principles''.
It made them laugh at first, then they found it annoying but i kept saying it, because i wanted them to not own the ehergy of the word, not keep 'hate' as part of their energysystem.

Choosing your words carefully.
Lets say you have just lost something or someone; how do you descibe what you feel?
You could say; ''i am sad'' or you could say; ''i feel sad(ness)''.
They might seem like the same words, but they are not the same energy!
The first one makes you identify with the word sad completely. It leaves no room for you to feel anything else, and you scentence yourself to sadness.
The second option, leaves plenty of room, because you can feel all kinds of emotions at the same time, and it does not máke you the emotion.
You kind of put some distance between you and the sadness you feel, wich will make it easier to handle.
Might seem like a small difference....but its not.

Thats pretty cool isn't it?
See how empowering that is? For, if you can choose the words/energy, you can also change the words/energy.

''What you give attention to...grows''
So sticking with the word 'sad'.
If you replace the word with a word with another energy, the emotion has no choise then to change too. Its wise to choose a word that is kinda close to the word.
When you feel the emotion of  'sad', its a big leap to replace it with 'power'..that might just frustrate you.
But 'sad'  could for example be replaced with;  'still' or 'at ease'. And when you grow into that, you could replace those by 'alive' or moving'...and if you grow/feel those, you can replace them by 'in controll' or 'in power'.
That will surely take you out of your otherwise fixed position of stuckness.

The wonderfully inspiring teacher Jim Self calls these words Living Words...what are your Living Words?
PLAY with them! Have FUN with em!!

Shifting your energy is shifting your emotions is shifting your life, woohoo!!


vrijdag 8 juli 2011

I know!

If and when you friggin knów someting is true...why doesn't that automatically mean you act on that truth?

Like all parents will know this feeling of getting way too mad at yer kids. They scream at you, you scream back, doors slam, anger all over the place, everybody standing their ground firmly (cause ofcourse you're right) 
And after the screaming is over you think; ''why the heck did i let myself get dragged into that (again)?''
Even when you knów the child wants boundries, wants help, want clarity...the kid is just doing its 'job'. You are the one that should have stayed calm, give boundries, communicate and thats it.
You knów, so why not act on that truth?

Like the woman that falls in love with abusive guys over and over, like the man that 'loves 'em and leaves 'em' eventhough he knóws that it does not make him happy and leaves him feeling empty inside. Like we all do when we meet people that mirror parts of us we don't want to own up to, and make us go into re-action instead of respons. Like we knów that its just old pain coming round to say hi...and we need not reclaim it...we don't need to own it at all..
We knów!

Something i picked up from Oprah Winfrey is; '' When you know better, you do better''
But..the secret is not in the knówing..its in de do-ing, and even better bé-ing!
Or as Dee Wallace said last week ;'' Knowing IT doesn't create something different. Knowing IT keeps you focussed on IT, and so you keep creating IT''

So..if you don't want screaming matches, you need to create something different.
BE calm, if you want to attract good relations you have to BE a good relation, if you want a sustainable relationship, BE sustainable!
And very important for us all these days...if old pain comes round, if people mirror something in you that you don't like...BE new, BE free, BE the ever expanding creative force that you are.
Claim it, claim it out loud, over and over if need be; I AM that I AM.
And so it is.


donderdag 7 juli 2011

Fear and/or Excitement

These days i seem to have a perpetual feeling of...something in my stomachearea.
Right where the 3rd chakra is...right in the middle of the middle...right in the centre of me.
First i thought...i must be drinking too much coffee, but i only drink two cups a day, so i gathered it must be something else.
Carbs i thought...i must be eating too much carbs! So i tried to fiercly limit my input of those..no result.
(So odd how i'm used to looking at the purely physical when it comes to the stomache area)

So...i started to think (aiaiai, always the ratched thinking getting in the way of clarity) why do i feel so bloody nervous all the time! I have nothing to be nervous about! My life is going pretty much as i want it to go, i have no stress, no stuff going on (not more then usual anyway) that would justify this.

Thank heavens there is the awakeningzone these days!
This wonderfull (relatively) new radiostation was created by Joe Rumbolo and Geoff Hoppe (Crimson circle) and they have a precious collection of showhosts, many i see as great personal inspirators, like Dee Wallace, Jean Adrienne and many more, and they have the most wonderfull guests like Steve Rother and Jim Selfshowering us all with their insight and wisdom!!
And low and behold...there they were talking about this weird feeling a lot of us seem to have the past weeks. This nervous feeling, right in the centre...and the consensus around it seems to be : its either fear, or its excitement!

I imediatly went to fear....cause i have no idea what i could possibly be excited about.
So...i cleared some issues, blew up some roadblocks, shoo-ed away some ghosts and was on my way again.
But darned..the feeling is still here.
So..lets examine excitement.
Maby this ties in with bigger things....cause i tie in with bigger things...maby this is excitement over the shift we are all making together? Maby its because more and more people are waking up to the possibility that maby we are not destroying the world, but making it a better place? Tolle's New Earth?
That wóuld be something to get totally excited about!

Its exciting and easy to believe that others are growing, that others are great, that others are waking up to their full potential, its easy to see the light in them, the wisdom, the sheer force of their spirit, the glow, the love.
Untill now its been very hard to see this in ourselves, to see it in myself.
But...honestly, i can feel many aspects of myself waking up too, (all modesty aside, wich might be the most difficult hurdle) so Dee Wallace is right...maby it is time to turn up our lights and shine, shine, shine as bright as we can!
Maby we are the bright light other so clearly see in us? Maby i am?

Could i really be that powerfull?


dinsdag 5 juli 2011

Diggiloo Diggiley

Life can change profoundly through little things ...little things followed by profound change..
Sometimes it can be an encouter with another person, a book, a movie, or just the way the sun lines a cloud...it can be anything, for me it was a song.

It was 1982, i was 17 and kinda lost in the world. I didnt understand the world in its harsh daylight..didn't get why people seemed so cold and unconnected. School was a total bore and a waste of time so i went there as little as i could get away with.
Searching for some kindered souls i ended up in the nightlife...the weekends was what i lived for. That was the space in time where i found other people..just as lost, sweet to the core, real friends. (allthough i never really fit in there too...didnt speak the accent as they did, smiled and laughed way too much for the '' no future'' subculture)
Our favorite thing to do was to sitt on the sidewalk all night, smoke joints and talk endlessly. (obviously deeply philosofical, discovering the meaning of life...and worry about breaking curfew)
Loved those times...but as times go, they never stay the same. The group got bigger, and the atmosphere was changing...nights were long and drinking was plentyfull, and to keep us going, we discovered amfetamins.
Amfetamins keep you awake, thats true, you can drink a heck of a lot more, also true...but its also a cloak for everything you feel. Just like the cloak on scifi warships, it isolates you completely and nobody can touch you anymore..
I felt trapped....but i'm not even sure i knew that.
Then there was this magical night...in may 1984...as always i was watching the eurovision songcontest with my family...the very first song was sung by 3 guys from Sweden...and it made me sitt up straight...i had no idea what they were singing, but Diggy-loo Diggy-ley sounded so unearthly happy to me...i was mesmerised, and extremely happy when The Herreys won!!
After winning the sang in english:

''Diggy loo diggy ley, life is going my way
When i'm walking in my golden shoes
Everything i ever dreamed of
Has suddenly come true

Diggy loo diggy ley
Let this miracle stay
I can be whatever i will choose
Please don't wake me up i'm dreamin of me in golden shoes!''


Well it sure woke me up! I dugg up my white pants from the back of my closet and a blue jeansshirt and i even had some yellow boots to go with that...just like Richard Herrey for whom i had totally fallen by then :-)

Instead of my 'Cure' hairdo, i had my hair just like him too...just not blonde obviously :-)
(I do that...indentify myself with my object of affection, makes me closer somehow)
I was free! This seemingly insignificant song had helped me make the right choise and i was free!

So, life can change profoundly through little things ...little things followed by profound change..
Sometimes it can be an encouter with another person, a book, a movie, or just the way the sun lines a cloud...it can be anything, for me it was a song.
When whatever it is for you comes by...grab hold of it, and set yourself free!


maandag 4 juli 2011

Strange times...

have you felt it too? Have you had visits from the past...in the shape of old pain coming to visit? Agaín?
The bullies that bullied you at school? The remarks you mother used to make? The signals your father used to give you? The teachers that used to belittle you? Friends that let you down in a big way?

Believe me..its in the air! We all seem to be going through this, and the ones that are not go through this áre probably going through it but are not aware and just seem to be in a rotten mood, or are depressed.
The good news however is that all this shit comes by for the last time. There is no need to carry it with you anymore!
So, don't let it drag you down...no need to wonder why it comes up...no need to work on old stuff again, no reason for therapy, no reason to even think about it twice! Whatever comes up...just say hello..and then say farewell!!

A way to help yourself do this can be visualisation. Imagine getting a bag...as big as you think you will need (a lorry if you need it!) and fill it up with that old crap. No need to specify or define any of it...just shovel the shit into the bag...pack it all in!! Fill it up until you are all done with the cleaning up and clearing out...then look at the bag beside you...look at all that you dragged with you form the story of your past. This whole big pile of rubbish...is not yours anymore! Then all you need to do...is take one step away from it. One step. Cause if you can do one step...its easy to do another-one...one step is all you need to be on your way. Your way away from your story.

Have a great walk...one step at a time...or run if you want to!! Have fun!!!!

Wish you all a great day!

zaterdag 2 juli 2011

I am Inge Astrid

I am Inge Astrid and this is my first blog. So i guess i should introduce myself.
How do you introduce yourself and not get lost in some story that is my past...and thus not real? All that is real in NOW...and now i am a 45 year old woman, sittig on the couch in a quiet house because my husband and two kids are in the city..playing Magic (the Gathering) ...so i had some time on my hands..and stumbeled upon blogging. So..here i am! But did i introduce myself now? How does one do that?
I could tell you about my job..i am a selfemployed energyworker. I help people to heal themselves. I do that with hands-on healing at my or the clients house. Or at a distance and with the help of the world wide web..energy knows no boundries and travels through time/space and space/time with no trouble at all.
No trouble at all...that sounds very nice...makes you wanne be energy huh?
O ..o..wait...we ARE energy!! Yay...thats good news!!
(So ...did i introduce myself yet? Maby you nee to see who i am?)

Yep..thats me...does thát help?

Thats me...at least..thats the vehicle that carries me around in the world.
Still not sure i introduced myself.

Time for groceryshopping.
Have a wonder-full day!!